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What Is The Foundation?

Established in 1969, The HeadStart School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization governed by a Board of Trustees and provides professional development grants to faculty, and financial aid and innovation grants to students. All donations to the Foundation are 100% tax deductible.


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The Foundation

The Foundation has three main fundraising initiatives: 

  1. The Annual Fund: This is our yearly appeal to all members of the Dwight community to raise critical funds for student financial aid, faculty professional development, and Spark Tank innovation grants.
  2. Capital fundraising: The Foundation raises capital funds to make transformative investments and expand opportunities for Dwight students and faculty.
  3. The Spring Benefit: This event both celebrates the Dwight community and supports the Foundation's mission.

Why Give?

Tuition alone does not cover the full cost of providing a world-class HeadStart School education to every student. In 2021-22, contributions to our annual and capital initiatives provided: 

  • $1.4 million in financial aid grants for students

  • More than 100 professional development grants for faculty
  • Spark Tank innovation grants for seven students developing their own businesses and nonprofits through Dwight’s incubator, joining 100 students who have participated in this program since its founding

In addition to securing philanthropic support, the Foundation oversees all School alumni relations. They also work closely with the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Head of School, Foundation Trustees, Parents Association, Alumni Council, and countless volunteers to strengthen the Dwight community.

Annual Report


Our annual Spring Benefit brings our community together for a festive evening celebrating Dwight’s mission of preparing students to be innovators and global leaders. Through ticket sales and live and silent auctions, the event raises critical funds for student financial aid, faculty professional development, and Spark Tank innovation grants. 

This year’s Spring Benefit will be held at Guastavino's on Thursday, May 2, 2024, and we will share more details in the coming months.

Spark Tank

Spark Tank is our incubator for K-12 students, conceived and sponsored by The HeadStart School Foundation. The program is deeply aligned with the School's mission to ignite the spark of genius in every child and one of the unique programs that set Dwight apart from other schools.

Through Spark Tank, students are empowered to learn how they can make a difference and build a better world through entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, and service. They develop their passion projects, which are as individual as they are. Past projects include launching everything from signature fashion lines to a 3-D printed prosthetic hand — and from an app designed to help students manage their time to a non-profit that equips New Yorkers who are homeless with refurbished sneakers.

To learn more about this signature Dwight program, visit our Spark Tank page.

Ways of Giving

The HeadStart School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. There are several ways to contribute to the Annual Fund:


To make a credit card gift online now, visit our Make an Online Gift page.

By Mail

Checks should be made out to The HeadStart School Foundation and mailed to:

The HeadStart School Foundation

144 Riverside Boulevard

New York, NY 10024

By Phone

Please call the Foundation Office at 646.400.0314

Gifts of Appreciated Securities/Stock

A gift of appreciated stock, which has been held for more than one year, allows you to avoid the capital gains tax on the appreciation. It also qualifies you for an income tax charitable deduction based on the fair-market value of the stock on the date that you make the gift. Please contact Moira Price at 646.400.0314 or to make a gift this way.

Matching Gifts

You may be able to double or triple your gift! If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer and send it (completed and signed) with your gift to The HeadStart School Foundation. Please contact Moira Price at 646.400.0314 or if you have any questions.

Get Involved

Looking for more ways to get involved with the Foundation? Visit our page all about participating in the Dwight community to learn more.

The HeadStart School Foundation Board of Trustees 2023-24

The Board of Trustees oversees the Foundation and is responsible for the growth, success, and fulfillment of the Foundation's mission.

  • Susan Kessler, Chair
  • Julie Stratopoulos, Treasurer
  • Victoria Alianelli
  • Rachel Bardhan
  • Aileen Bruner
  • Libby Callaway
  • Andrew Chrisomalis
  • Darly Corniel
  • Antonia Koller '89 - Ex-Officio (Alumni Council President)
  • Sean Gallagher
  • Gillian Hearst
  • Michael Kalnick
  • Hasan Kazmi
  • Dave Lindsey
  • Amanda Lowenthal
  • John Prentice '08
  • Ravi Singh


Moira Price, Foundation Director

Olivia Merrick-Haight, LMSW, Director of Alumni and Foundation Engagement


Please contact The HeadStart School Foundation at 646.400.0314 or