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Works by Alumni Exhibited Alongside Those by Senior Artists

Toward the end of senior year, students who take Dwight’s IB DP Visual Arts class are well prepared to showcase the fruits of their intensive studies and impressive labor as the culmination of their two-year course. 

Over junior and senior years, they develop a portfolio of studio work reflecting their interests and advanced skill level; document their experimentation and learning in their process journal; and write a comparative investigation with critical analysis based on their investigations of history, art history, diverse cultures, current exhibitions, and contemporary culture. Additionally, these multi-talented student-artists curate their own thematically cohesive show of works, which include explanations about their artistic inquiries and descriptions of their multi-media pieces, as they spotlight their high level of technique and craftsmanship. 

Sparking Conversations
“The Senior Exhibition is a proud moment in which students realize that their risk-taking produces works with loud voices that affect the viewer in different ways. We hope their art sparks conversations and keeps the audience thinking,” explains Ms. Sayers, who teaches the course. She also serves as Head of Visual Arts, Dean of Grade 11, and has been a member of our Dwight community for 23 years.

During this “final exam,” senior-artists are always excited to share their process and perspectives with our Dwight community and those in the Class of 2023 were no different: 

  • Sofia Chenillo showed states of inner psychological anxiety that are rarely spoken about
  • Frannie Gonzalez contemplated societal roles and women's relationship to society
  • Baya Jaiswal explored links between the pros and cons of scientific discoveries and the    intersection of Indian identity
  • Vanessa Laitila reflected on the journey through childhood growth
  • Catriona Ross focused the female experience during political upheaval 
  • Olivia Salerno considered how power is lost and reclaimed 

Both individually and collectively, these six senior-artists inspired discussion and left us wanting to see more.

That wasn’t all! Their work was joined by that of five alumni, who participated in our IB DP Visual Arts program recently. Ms. Sayers had invited them to share the space and provide a glimpse of the work they’ve done more recently. Each one showcased a few pieces:

  • Anika Jeyaranjan '19, who is graduating from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a focus in fiber arts
  • Jackson Guthart ’19, who is graduating from the University of Wisconsin Madison with a BS in Animal Science
  • Estella Zacharia ’19, who is graduating from Vassar College with a BA in History
  • Leia Immanuel ’22, who is attending Swarthmore College, studying biology and visual arts, and studying classical painting in Italy this summer 
  • Samantha Strauss ’22, who is attending Smith College and pursuing writing and drawing

“Learning about art, in all of its different capacities, often starts at Dwight — and hopefully it stays with students for a lifetime,” says Ms. Sayers. “Our IB Senior Visual Arts Exhibition is a send-off to the Class of 2023, but an induction into a greater family of Dwight art alumni, who show us that creativity is part of us, enriching what we study and pursue in our daily lives beyond graduation.”