“Rising Star! ⭐️ Saad Arsalan, our youngest FPV drone pilot, shines on national TV. 🇵🇰 #Innovation #FutureTech”
We’re thrilled to announce that our very own Saad Arsalan from MYP 3 was invited as a special guest on PTV Home’s morning show, Rising Pakistan! His segment aired across PTV Home and PTV News, shining a spotlight on his journey as Pakistan’s youngest FPV Drone Pilot.
Saad recently secured the Silver Award at the prestigious P@SHA ICT Awards and has advanced to the International Asia Pacific ICT Awards with his award-winning autonomous drone for detecting carbon emissions—a groundbreaking project with real-world impact!
We couldn’t be prouder of Saad and his dedication to innovation. Here’s to a future filled with more success and inspiration.